The devastating fires do not stop relaunching of the Gargano

Huge blow to Vico distinguished by the insistence of peculiar forms of flora and fauna and livestock activities and major tourist

“The hands and minds of criminals and looters never get the better of the Gargano, a land of extraordinary natural beauty and landscape, inhabited and lived by honest and willing citizens, and visited and loved by millions of people from around the world . Nothing and nobody can stop the action of strong and successful relaunch of the Gargano implementation provided by a synergistic balance between the Park Authority and 18 municipalities. ”

These statements Stefano Pecorella, president of the National Park of Gargano who rushed to the places of the devastating fire that once again dealt a huge blow to Vico del Gargano, the heart of the Protected Area, which is distinguished by the insistence of peculiar forms of important flora and fauna and livestock activities and tourism.

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